About the company
“Yuzhnaya Vystavochnaya Kompaniya” is a professional operator of the specialized exhibition events, fairs, forums, seminars and workshops, concerts and promotions. One of the main business streams of the company is the organization and holding of its own exhibitions on various subjects.
The main partner in the holding of the exhibition events is a new modern multifunctional exhibition and congress complex in southern Russia – ECC “Expograd Yug”. The technical possibilities of “Exprograd Yug” meet the world’s requirements and make it possible to provide a wide range of quality services for the organization and holding of the exhibition and mass cultural events including those that require an outdoor area (e.g. the demonstration of the heavy-duty and specialized vehicles). ECC “Exprograd Yug” is a member of the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RUEF).
The activity of LLC «Yuzhnaya Vystavochnaya Kompaniya» corresponds to the requirements of the Russian National Standard ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001:2015), as evidenced by the Certificate of Conformity No. GR.RU.04ЖИН1.00865 registered in the Unified Register of Voluntary Certification System of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, Reg. No. РОСС RU.31449.04ЖИН1.
South Exhibition Company joined the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RUEF).
LLC “Yuzhnaya Vystavochnaya Kompaniya” was founded by the holding companies “RAMO-M” and “Romex-Kuban.”
The “RAMO-M” holding company is a multi-utility group of companies operating in the various sectors of the Russian economy. The business streams of the holding company include development, commercial real estate management, shopping and entertainment complexes (SEC) operation and maintenance, hotel and exhibition business. The holding company is involved in the development of the real estate development business in southern Russia and is the owner of the shopping center chain branded the “Red Square”. Currently, the SEC network is made up of 5 shopping and entertainment centers in the Krasnodar Krai.
LLC “Romex-Kuban” is one of the leading construction companies of southern Russia with the industry background of over 15 years. The company’s projects meet the high-level requirements of the European standards. The company owns the concrete products and structures plant “ZHBIiK”, two asphalt concrete plants, specialized vehicles fleet of 196 items, as well as the MEKAMIX-60 Compact concrete batch plant.